
Annual Physical Exam

doctor looking at patient's ear

What you can expect at your annual physical exam with UEM

Annual Physical Exams at Upper Echelon

The first stage of your yearly physical exam involves a comprehensive review of your medical history and current health concerns. Your Upper Echelon Medical provider will address any questions you have and discuss any issues, such as vague symptoms like fatigue, that may be troubling you.

The next stage is the physical exam itself. During this part of your annual exam, your provider will weigh you, measure your blood pressure,heart rate, and breathing, and listen to your heart and lung sounds. They will also press on your abdomen to feel your internal organs, test your reflexes,and examine your eyes, ears, and mouth. Additionally, your provider will get an update on your overall well-being, including yoursleep habits, diet, and stress levels.

For women, a pap smear to screen for cervical cancer may be necessary as part of the yearly physical exam. Upper Echelon Medical also offers specialized women’s health exams focusing on reproductive and sexual health.

Additional laboratory testing offered

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Biomarker Testing

This includes tests to evaluate the components of your blood, metabolism, the level of cholesterol and fats, hormones, blood sugar, kidney function, and much more.

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Urine Testing

We provide urine testing to check for conditions such as urinary tract infections (UTIs), kidney disease, and other illnesses.

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Pap Smear

We offer pap smears to women to screen for cervical cancer and the Human Papillomavirus (HPV).

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Diagnostic Imaging

When applicable, we are able to put in orders for X-rays or MRI imaging for our patients.

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Biomarker Testing

This includes tests to evaluate the components of your blood, metabolism, the level of cholesterol and fats, hormones, blood sugar, kidney function, and much more.

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Pap Smear

This includes tests to evaluate the components of your blood, metabolism, the level of cholesterol and fats, hormones, blood sugar, kidney function, and much more.

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Urine Testing

This includes tests to evaluate the components of your blood, metabolism, the level of cholesterol and fats, hormones, blood sugar, kidney function, and much more.

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Diagnostic Imaging

This includes tests to evaluate the components of your blood, metabolism, the level of cholesterol and fats, hormones, blood sugar, kidney function, and much more.

Depending on what your provider discovers during the visit or how long ago your last blood work was taken, your provider might recommend additional testing to be done to eliminate potentially life-threatening conditions like cancer, diabetes, hypertension, or hyperlipidemia.

Blood and urine tests are the most common and can detect problems such as nutrient deficiencies, anemia, infections, hormone imbalances, and much more. If your provider has any concerns, they might order further tests or diagnostic imaging procedures like an X-ray or MRI.

An annual physical is one of the smartest ways of keeping yourself well and avoiding long-term health conditions. To arrange yours, call our office at (657)-212-3212 or Book An Appointment online today.