Employer Solutions

Providing reliable & affordable healthcare solutions that empower your employees, and keep them happy.

Give your employees the gift of healthcare done right. With no copays, no deductibles, and no obscure billing practices, all that’s left is trustworthy, convenient care.

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Highly customized health plans tailored to the size and budget of your business
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30-60% Employer savings as compared to using traditional insurers
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Reduction in sick days taken by employees who now have access to affordable, accessible care

DPC memberships have the power to:

Reduce Emergency Room claims by


Reduce hospital admissions by


Reduce the total cost
of claims by


Source: Mechley AR. Direct Primary Care: A Successful Financial Model for the Clinical Practice of Lifestyle Medicine. Am J Lifestyle Med. 2021 Apr 15

How would an Upper Echelon employer plan work?

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Highly Tailored Plans

Collaborate with our team to create a tailored health plan that best suits your business. With a DPC health plan, there are no enrollment periods so you can enroll or unenroll your employees at any time.
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Transparent, Predictable Fees

Pay your simple and predictable monthly fees. With our health plans, employers are only charged a fee per employee, per month.
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Accessible, Personal Healthcare.

Your employees will get access to all of the benefits of direct primary care at our clinic including unlimited access to their physician and no appointment fees, copays, or deductibles.
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Enjoy The Savings

Upper Echelon replaces the need for expensive urgent care claims, unnecessary emergency room claims, and practically all lab work and over-priced medications. This means that self-funded employers can see these savings immediately.
patient exam table in the exam room
doctor educating patientdoctor filling a prescription for a patientdoctor typing on the computer